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to create a transitional place they can enter upon their release to work through those life areas they struggled with before incarecation.
Carol's goal is for women to be placed in a Christ-centered facility upon their release from jail or prison. Many see no choice but to return to their previous, unhealthy enviroments, relationships, and behavior patterns. When they do, the likelihood of repeated incarceration increases exponentially.
A local facility is needed to give these women direction on a daily basis. Carol's goal is to keep them from the enviroments that caused them to get locked up in the first place. She wants to help them end the cycle. She wants to create a transitional place they can enter upon their release to work through those life areas they struggled with before incarecation.
The ministry goal is to help them transition back into society, to become productive citizens and stay on the right track. Many of these women have never had healthy role models, support systems, accountability, or proper discipline. A personal relationship with Jesus Christ will help them stay sober, out of jail, and off drugs. It will help them establish and maintain postive relationships and stay dedicated to their faith.
According to a new study, women prisoners with substance-abuse problems who are not enrolled in an aftercare program, once released, are ten times more likely to return to prison or jail than women who participate in such a program. More than one-third of women who are not in an aftercare program return to prison within the first six months. Carol J. Byler Ministry is not a program. It is Carol's passion. This is a Christ-centered support ministry with a passion for helping women who are in, working through, and out of incarceration.
The first few days after release are especially critical. Many prisoners have lost contact with family and community networks who could help them find jobs, housing, clothes, and food. They often have no means of transportation or money to reestablish an acceptable and responsible life. They have parole requirements that include regular reporting to an often-distant parole officer. Some need housing, and some are starting all over after losing everything, including their children.
Note from Carol
I so appreciate anyone who can help me fill the call that GOD has placed on me to reach these women with His love. All glory goes to Him for what He does in this ministry. I am just His vessel to bring His love. All donations will be used to honor Him.
Thank You Carol J. Byler