changing one at a time
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Carol J. Byler Ministry goes into the Jefferson Jail each Wednesday, ministering to the women incarcerated there.
Carol's book is in the local jails and many have read her story. The inmates appreciate Carol's faithful, weekly visits. They know that she is real, that she has not been in church all of her life, and that she knows personally what they are facing. Many can relate to Carol's story, and they see that change is possible. They say the book inspires them.
Carol's book is in the local jails and many have read her story. The inmates appreciate Carol's faithful, weekly visits. They know that she is real, that she has not been in church all of her life, and that she knows personally what they are facing. Many can relate to Carol's story, and they see that change is possible. They say the book inspires them.
Carol's goal is to open a facility where these women can transition from prison life to a productive life. Without help, many will return to the same lifestyle they lived before. They need a safe place to recover, where they can grow into the young women God intended them to be. Please consider donating to help bring this home into existence. If you know someone who would donate a home in Ashtabula, Geauga, or Lake counties of Northeast Ohio, please tell them about this ministry.
July 1 2015
Great time ministering to the ladies is Jefferson Jail today. One of the ladies that has been coming was sharing how she has hardened her heart and put walls up so she can't get hurt. Started talking about her kids and how she won't let them get close to her so she won't get hurt when she messes up and has to leave them. Since she has been coming to my meeting she has begun to tear down the walls. Tears flowed as she was sharing and some of the other ladies were relating to her and there was a lot of healing that took place. We started back with Katie Souza book and it really spoke to some of the girls who have not read it yet. Understanding that God has rescued them at this time and brought them to a place of decision. Before I left to go to the jail, one of the young ladies called me and said she was released and wanted me to meet her at opal house cause she knew I would be there to support her. We went to a couple of places to get her some community service and she was blessed with some cloths. She shared her story on how her daughter had been murdered and that was how she began to drink to forget the pain. She shared that to the lady who gave her the cloths and here she told her that she lost her daughter 12 years ago. It became very emotional and the two of them hugged and tears flowed. I was amazed that it was a divine appointment for the two of the. God really showed himself and when we left there I took the young lady back to opal house and all she could say was I feel like I am in a dream. She was from PA but decided to not go back there and stay here to start a new life. What a great touch from God she had today. Thank you Lord for what you did today and let me be apart of it.
July 8, 2015
A great day in jefferson jail today. I got in late. But God still moved even though I only had 3 ladies cause they had a meeting in the regular room I go in so they only would bring one side of the jail. One lady needed to be there cause she really was struggling with trusting God with her children cause she has a few months to serve and her mom is sick. She had fear that her kids would be taken away from her. The ladies shared on how she needs to trust God with them. We had a great time of sharing with the 3. Having a small group sometimes is good cause God knows who needs to me ministered to. Alot of tears flowed today from her as she shared some deep hurts she had from her family. She was learning that she needs to let them go so she can become healthy and stay healthy. Her brother mistreated her and she was hanging onto the hurt. One of the ladies told her she needs to move on cause he has. And that he still has control of her life as she is acting out even when he is not even around her. Great time of discussion. Went to opal house and met with one of my girls doing great. We went to doing some running and she was grateful. Thank you Lord for what you did today. Glory to you...
Testimonies of jail visits
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Carol J. Byler Ministry
P.O. Box 404
Chardon, Ohio 44024
July 15,2015
Wonderful time at Jefferson Jail today. I was blessed to go twice. 1 pm & 6 pm my normal time I had 9 women come and we did our chapter on Expectant End and our discussion went well. One lady talked how she was a drug addict and she said she didn’t see anything wrong with having a beer. All the ladies spoke to her on how that was an open door to getting back on drugs. She listened and took the advice we were giving her. The discussion went very well. Left and spent some time with one of my ladies at the Opal House. She was struggling with her recovery. Talked and helped her get through it. I need my home so bad. Can’t wait for that special day. Went back at 6pm and we had 15 ladies come. One of my ladies was at Turning Point and got out and messed up back on drugs. We discussed how she knows how she went with the wrong person. She did not use her skills. She let her mind say it was okay. We had 2 ladies who are friends just find out before they came to see me that their daughters had been in a serious auto accident yesterday. Both started crying and I stopped the meeting and asked all the girls to form a circle as I took the two of them held their hands and prayed for the peace of God to wrap them in His arms as they held each other and wept. They were worried because they were in there and who was taking care of them and one of them is probably going to jail and she is only 14. The conversation went well as we shared how they need to break the cycle. How trusting God is all they have right now. Tears flowed as one shared I know the way they say the accident was that God had to spare their lives. That really opened up a great conversation. We talked about how they are in there and that they should be home with their children. Lord these women need you and I keep taking you into them. But once a week is not enough. The home is such a necessary place for them to recover from this behavior. Lord bring the home quickly and the funds to run it. Thank you for allowing me to be your vessel.